281.744.6486 | ddbrdfrd@aol.com
While growing up on a hundred acre farm in Connecticut I was able to explore and enjoy all aspects of nature, however, it wasn’t until 1987 that I developed an extreme interest in birds. A few years later I served as the driver for Penfeathers Tours and then as the assistant bird guide on the half and one day tours. In the 90s I traveled quite a bit throughout Texas and other states looking at birds and decided to start leading weeklong tours for Penfeathers Tours, and some of my own bird tours in Texas and eventually further afield. For the past twenty years I have partnered with bird tour guide Brandon Percival leading tours to over 20 states. Brandon serves as the eyes and ears on tours while I ensure all other aspects of a tour run smoothly.
Over the past thirty years I has served two terms as the president of the Ornithology Group of Houston, the Vice President for two terms, the Field Trip and Speaker Coordinator for several years and the Librarian for many years. I served a two year term on the Houston Audubon board and have led numerous local field trips for Houston Audubon and the Ornithology Group of Houston. I have given numerous talks to local bird clubs and am always willing to share my knowledge of birds and nature with anyone that even shows a mild interest.
After teaching science in Houston public schools for 38 years I decided to retire in September of 2020, this was a pandemic related decision, and have been able to lead more of my own tours this year. Penfeathers Tours was a small bird tour company based in Houston that began taking clients out in the 80s but as of early 2020 no longer operates. Therefore, since the start of 2021 Brandon and I have been leading all our own tours and will continue in this fashion into the future.
719.568.7527 | bkpercival@yahoo.com
Brandon Percival began birding under the guidance of Uncle Van Truan in Colorado when he was just six years old. At an early age it was quite clear he had an uncanny ability to identify birds by sight, song, call, and chip notes. Brandon’s eyes and ears have only improved over the years along with his vast knowledge of bird distribution and bird habitat. He just seems to know where to find birds.
In addition to Brandon’s id skills, he is well versed in all things electronic as they relate to locating birds in the field. He heavily researches specialty and other birds before all tours and continues to monitor bird movement during a tour. It is Brandon’s id skills and use of electronics that makes our tours what they are, a wonderful avian experience for tour participants.
Brandon has also been leading individuals throughout Colorado for many years, specializing in locating Flammulated Owls for clients. He spent the summer of 2015 leading tours on St. Paul Island. When not leading clients or tours Brandon can usually be found somewhere in Pueblo County or further afield in Colorado or even adjacent states birding.